Where Art and Blockchain Converge: Discover NFTs

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Fueled by an incredible network of visionary investors:

Steps to initiate the minting process.

Prepare Metadata

Gather information and a digital file for your NFT.

Connect Wallet and Mint

Use a platform to connect your wallet, upload data, and mint the NFT.

Pay Fees and Confirm

Pay blockchain fees and wait for confirmation.

NFT Created

Once confirmed, your NFT is minted with a unique ID on the blockchain.


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Diverse Networks, Unified Space. Gather your NFTs spanning various blockchains in one place.


NFT's Collections


Disparity Between Floor Price and Estimated Worth

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Cross-Chain Convergence,
Singular Destination.

Simplify Your NFT Experience: Explore, Invest, and Organize your entire NFT portfolio in a single, user-friendly hub. Uncover hidden gems among our diverse collection offerings.

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Pixel Treasury's Roadmap

Phase 01


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Suspendisse at leo vel arcu 

Maecenas eu eros vitae lorem

Suspendisse posuere mi lorem

Phase 02

NFT Minting & Marketplace

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Suspendisse at leo vel arcu 

Maecenas eu eros vitae lorem

Suspendisse posuere mi lorem

Phase 03

Community Engagement

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Suspendisse at leo vel arcu 

Maecenas eu eros vitae lorem

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Phase 04

Expansion & Enhancement

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Suspendisse at leo vel arcu 

Maecenas eu eros vitae lorem

Suspendisse posuere mi lorem

Introducing the Creators

Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum



    What is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

    An NFT is aa unique digital asset that represents ownership of a specific item or peice of content using blockchain technology. Unlike cryprtocurrencies, NFT's cannot be exchanged on a ono-to-one basis, as each NFT has distinct attributes and values.

    How i Buy and Own an NFT?

    To Buy an NFT, you'll  typically need to create an account on an NFT platform, connect a compatible cyprtocurrency wallet (Such as MetaMask), and bid or purchase the NFT using cryptocurrency. Once acquireed, the NFT is stored in your wallet and represents ownership of the digital item.  

    Why are NFTs Valuable?

    NFTs derive their value from factors like scarcity, demand, artist reputation, and the uniquenessof the digital content they represent. Owning an NFT grants you ownership rights to a specific digital asset, often including the ability to resell, showcase, or trade it within the NFT marketplace. 

    What is the Role of Blockchain in NFTs? 

    Blockchain technology ensure the security, provenance, and authenticity of NFT. Each NFTs ownership and transaction history are recorded on a blockchain, providing a transparent and tamper-proof record of its existence. This verifies the uniqueness and ownership of the digital asset    

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Where Pixels Become Possibilities:
NFTs Unleashed

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